On The Grid Draw The Graph Of Y 3x 2

On The Grid Draw The Graph Of Y 3x 2

How to draw a graph of a linear equation

  • A linear equation is drawn as a straight line on a set of axes.

  • To draw the graph we need coordinates.

  • We generate these coordinates by substituting values into the linear equation.

Find out how to draw a graph of a linear equation

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How to draw a graph of a linear equation

A linear equation is represented as a line graph. In order to draw the line graph we require several pairs of coordinates. These coordinates represent the relationship given in the equation.

For example, for y = 3x , the y value is always equal to '3 lots' of the x value. (1,3), (10,30) and (2.5,7.5) are all coordinates on the line y = 3x.

Often a table of values is used to create the coordinates. We use substitution to calculate the values.

For example y = 2x + 1

The y value is always '2 lots' of the x value plus 1.

We replace the value of x for different numbers and record the resulting y value.

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On The Grid Draw The Graph Of Y 3x 2

Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zdbc87h/articles/zkpj2nb

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